Good morning from the Be Free Ministry creekside retreat site in Ellijay, GA!
The air is crisp and cool enough for me to wear my Uggs and sit under a cozy blanket this morning. Love! The sun is spilling over into the trees that hang over the creek and deck like a comforting canopy of security and love. The “sound of many waters” as scripture states, stimulates my thoughts and settles my heart. Best of all, I feel the presence of the Lord very near this morning–Praise the LORD!
Why today more than other days? Well, I call it “detoxing”. I find that it takes about 24-48 hours for myself to unwind from the crazy world we live in today and “get into the presence of the Lord”. I have seen this process play out over and over again in myself and in women who attend our retreats. The tension from the wear and tear of life is on them, but by the next morning, they seem relaxed, comfortable and open. I. believe this is the “fruit of the Spirit” that comes from seeking the Lord.
Here is the verse I am meditating on this morning:
For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.
Ephesians 5:8-10
When I read a verse, I like to break it down by phrases to help myself digest it…
Once in darkness
Now in the Light
The light of the Lord
Live as children of light
Find out what pleases the Lord
I believe this is true of anyone who has come to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord–and it is certainly true of me!!
I was once in darkness, but THANK YOU Jesus that I am now in the light and am empowered by the Holy Spirit to LIVE VICTORIOUSLY as “children of the light” do!!
Each day, I start my day seeking the Lord and His Holy presence. Jesus is my anchor–my HOPE upon which everything I do and believe rests. It is in this time with the Lord that the process of sanctification and purification leading to deep healing, cleansing, and victory occurs!! And through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, I seek the Lord to find out what pleases Him!
So what pleases the Lord? For starters, I believe our LOVE for Him and others is most pleasing to the Lord. This is what the apostle Paul said about love:
“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.” 1 Cor 13:2
The Lord also told us that we can only have ONE Master. Matt 6:24
Who are you serving today? Your agenda or God’s agenda? Begin today by asking the Lord what pleases Him and then have the courage to obey.
Proverbs 3:5
LEAN on, TRUST in, and be CONFIDENT in the LORD with all your HEART and MIND and do not rely on YOUR own understanding.
Yes LORD!❤️
Ashley Gronholm