Writing For JESUS: Day 15

Writing For JESUS: Day 15

I spent the first 38 years of my life trying to be righteous by the law. It was frustrating to say the least. No matter how hard I tried, my best efforts fell short. Can you relate?

I seem to be hard wired as an overachiever. I loved making lists and checking the box when the task was completed. It made me feel a sense of accomplishment. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get things done and feeling a sense of satisfaction that you’ve given your best effort towards something.

The trouble lies in that “effort” becoming an IDOL. The root or underlying issue for me what not a desire to achieve as much as it was overcompensation for a lack of love. I was suffering from REJECTION. I had a lot I was trying to overcome in life. Praise God that the grace of JESUS has set me FREE!!!❤️??

When we’ve experienced  rejection, bullying, abuse, neglect harsh criticism, judgement and feigned love we can become insecure in our spirit, because we are being denied the very thing we really need: unconditional love. ❤️

The trouble is, in or search for love,  we can end up looking in all the wrong places and eventually come up ended handed and even more broken than we were when we started out on that road. Sound familiar?

The good news is, Jesus loves you with an unfailing love!!❤️ He is the true source of unconditional love. He doesn’t say, “Clean yourself up, and THEN I will love you.” NO!! Jesus says to you, “COME and REST in my PEACE”. ???

Imagine you are sitting in a clean white room at the feet of JESUS. See yourself looking up into the eyes of JESUS. Imagine that his scared hands are gently holding your face-lifting your eyes so that he can look deeply into yours. Now see the tears falling down your cheeks as you take in his loving words that he speaks with the most beautiful voice you have ever heard as he looks deep into your eyes:

___________(your name), “YOU ARE MINE”. ❤️

REST. Be at peace within yourself. Jesus is your REFUGE and your STRENGTH. No one can snatch you from the Father’s hand! (1 Peter 1:3-9).

You are WASHED. You are HOLY. You are PURE. You are SANCTIFIED. You are ENOUGH.? (Titus 3:4-7)

No matter how hard you try–you will never be able to live perfectly. Jesus knows this. That is why he went to the cross for YOU and ME. He laid  down his life for the sheep. He loves each of us so much and says to you “COME”. ?

Believer in Christ, live out your  faith in God, but do not confuse YOUR efforts to obey with the finishing work of JESUS on the cross!

Grace is yours TODAY and FOREVER if you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ ALONE for your salvation. ❤️??

If you fall into sin, return to God, repent and receive grace–if we are all honest we would agree that we do this daily.

HEAR the words of Paul:

Galatians 3:1-7

You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?

This is the ONLY THING I want to find out from YOU:


Are you so foolish? Having BEGUN by the Spirit, are YOU NOW BEING PERFECTED by the FLESH?

Did you suffer so many things in vain–if indeed it was in vain?

Does He then, who provides you with the Spirit and works MIRACLES AMONG YOU, do it by the works OF the LAW, or by HEARING with FAITH?

Even so, Abraham BELIEVED GOD, and it was reckoned to him as RIGHTEOUSNESS. ???

Therefore, be sure it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham….

***don’t miss the word “NOW”

V 11 NOW that no one is justified by the law before God is evident; for, the righteous man shall live by FAITH.

WHY NOW? Because we are living in the “NOW” Paul was talking about!

Jesus suffered for our sins on the cross so that we may BE FREE  from sin, death and hell. Amen!! We must receive this gift of salvation by FAITH alone!!! Our works will never purify us. Only faith can do that!

Does this mean we abuse our new freedom in Christ and NOT  live God’s laws?

Here is the key to the mystery of righteous living:

WHEN WE HAVE ENCOUNTERED THE LOVE and GRACE of JESUS, WE will live in righteousness because we WANT TO…


Controlled vs Compelled??? Which are you?

Are you controlled by fear, anxiety, people pleasing, religion, insecurity?


ARE YOU COMPELLED–Totally captivated by the love and grace of Jesus Christ????

Always remember that POWER flows from RELATIONSHIP with JESUS.


Only then will PRISONERS BE SET FREE!!!

“I do not  nullify the GRACE of God; for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.”

Galatians 2:21

Today, BELIEVE JESUS IS ALL YOU NEED and enter into his PEACE…and finally REST in the MIGHTY ARMS of KING JESUS❤️?


Grace and Peace,

Ashley Gronholm


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