Devotions With Jesus #31

Devotions With Jesus #31

No One Can Snatch You From My Hand” John 10:28

Beloved, your season of unrest is over, for you know you are SAFE in my love. ❤️❤️❤️ Enter into the BELIEVERS REST!

Remain in my love. No one can snatch you from the Father’s hand. You are a member of MY royal family with an inheritance sealed and kept for you in heaven that will never perish, spoil or fade because of my GREAT GRACE!!!!

YOU ARE MINE❤️ The enemy tries to steal your hope and your joy–and wants you to doubt that my love can  be this good. But you KNOW the TRUTH–that you are SAVED now and forevermore, because you have placed your FAITH IN ME–This kind of faith is so precious to me–and few there be that find it! Straight is the way and narrow is the gate that leads to eternal life! You have stood at the crossroads and  have chosen the ancient paths–you have chosen to believe by faith in the ANCIENT OF DAYS. Hallelujah!!

You shall wear a crown of glory in my kingdom NOW and forevermore!! GLORY TO GOD!! No one can snatch you from my Father’s Hand!!!

I bore all sin and sufferings at the cross and walked out of the tomb–defeating SIN, DEATH and HELL. I hold the KINGDOM KEYS that turn the key of your prison cell–I HAVE SET YOU FREE. ❤️❤️❤️✝️

Heb 4
1 Pet 1:3-9
John 10:28
Eph 2:4-8
Titus 3:4-7
Jeremiah 6:16
John 15:9
Matt 7:14
John 8:36

Glory to God!!!❤️❤️❤️🙏👑


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