Writing With Jesus: Day 34

Writing With Jesus: Day 34


1 Peter 3:3-9

V3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to an LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

V4 to obtain an INHERITANCE which is imperishable (will never perish, spoil

or fade) and undefiled and WILL NOT FADE AWAY, RESERVED in HEAVEN for you,

V5 who are protected by the POWER of GOD through faith for a salvation ready to be REVEALED in the last time.

V6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials,

V7 that the proof of your FAITH being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

V8 and though you have not seen Him, you LOVE Him, and though you do not see Him now, but BELIEVE in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of GLORY,

V9 obtaining as the OUTCOME of FAITH the SALVATION  of your SOULS.

Why do some people try to make it so hard for Christians to believe this comforting Word of God?

What in the world could make a person, saved by grace through faith–DENY their faith and leave God?

Nothing!!! For it is impossible to turn your back on Jesus Christ once you have encountered His love, grace and mercy!! (Titus 3:3-7).

In addition to this, we are told in scripture right  here in verse 5 that our inheritance in heaven is


by the POWER OF GOD….

THROUGH….. (drumroll please)


FAITH is SO SIMPLE and yet RELIGIOUS people try to make it so hard!

How tragic…TRULY TRAGIC IT IS–TO WITNESS other believers DISTURBING the PURE FAITH by DENYING the grace of GOD while  instilling FEAR in the heart of a TRUE believer claiming that it is a possibility that a believer could somehow LOSE their SALVATION.

This is IMPOSSIBLE!! Why? Because if a believer could lose their salvation than Christ died for NOTHING.

Jesus set me FREE from Mormonism. How did he do it? By rescuing me

from the very pit of hell and FILLING ME UP to overflow with HIS GREAT GRACE and HOLY SPIRIT as a result of my choice to FORGIVE and believe that GRACE –unmerited FAVOR was actually a REAL THING!!! At that very moment of belief IN THE GRACE of JESUS, the Holy Spirit POURED OVER ME and I was delivered from SIN, FEAR, TORMENT, SHAME and DESPAIR AND HELL. Hallelujah!!!

This is what it means to SET CAPTIVES FREE!! This was what JESUS himself told us in ISAIAH 61:1-7–that he had come to BIND UP the BROKEN HEARTED and FREE the captives!!

Once a person has ENCOUNTERED the LOVE, GRACE and POWER of Jesus Christ they are NEVER the same. HALLELUJAH!!!

With fear comes TORMENT. Do not go there Beloved!!! Believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ by FAITH. ❤️ Go BACK TO YOUR FIRST LOVE!

Jesus does not change his mind about US…why would we change our minds about HIM and HIS SACRIFICE ON THE  CROSS TO SAVE US FROM  OUR SIN?

I do not discount the GRACE  of God!!!



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