My husband Greg and I are on the shoreline just outside of Jaffa tonight staying at the Hotel Sharon.
So pretty–and the food is incredible!
We drove past the Historic district of Jaffa, past the location where Peter had his vision of clean and unclean animals from the rooftop in which the Lord instructed him to declare nothing unclean–symbolizing that the Gentiles could be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, just as the Apostles were at Pentecost!
Then Peter was invited to visit the house of Cornelius the Centurion and witnessed Cornelius and his whole household were saved and then immediately being filled with the Holy Spirit right in front of his eyes…with the evidence of speaking in tongues!
This experience the Lord gave to Peter was to prove to Peter that the Lord is no respecter of persons; the same spiritual blessings are available to everyone equally–by FAITH! Hallelujah!!
Acts 2:4; Acts 10,11
Ashley ✝️