“Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
Isaiah 49:23
A few nights ago, I was fortunate enough to fall upon upon a wedding on the beach. It was so sweet, watching the bride and groom standing on the sand together as they lit the flame of their heart shaped luminary and released it to the sky. Others in the wedding parting lit and launched their own luminaries as well. As I watched the luminaries floating over the water, I noticed some flames burning brightly causing the luminary to take flight– while the flame of others burned out causing the luminary to “go dark” and fall down into the sea.
As I watched the beautiful scene, I thought of the complexities of life, love and relationships. What makes the flame burden brighter or burn out? I believe the defining factor to whether we soar or sink is our ability to be in relationship with Jesus Christ.
Disappointments will come–that we cannot avoid. People we love will let us down, and we can become disappointed. But we don’t have to become discouraged, because we can turn to Jesus in our disappointments and receive the unconditional love we are starving for from the lover of our souls: Jesus Christ!
When the love of Jesus is at the center of our lives, we can turn to HIM for healing, acceptance, love, affirmation and peace. No one is perfect. Despite our best efforts, we can become disappointed…but with Jesus lighting the way, we will never “go dark” and fall into the sea of life’s heartaches. When we hope in the Lord, we will take flight and SOAR because Jesus Christ NEVER disappoints us!
Choose today to believe this truth. Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and allow him to heal you from the inside out, releasing your pain–so that you too will be lifted up in the love of Jesus and SOAR!