Writing for Jesus: Day 19

Writing for Jesus: Day 19


I recently heard a sermon that spoke deeply into my soul. The question raised was this:


In other words, what is more loving; to tell someone  that their sin (whatever it may be)  won’t harm them so as to protect their feelings and prevent offense…

or is it MORE loving to simply speak the truth IN LOVE…about what God says about sin?

THIS IS HARD FOLKS–hang in there with me….

If we do not have the courage to speak the truth about God’s WORD and teachings with LOVE to the SAVED or the UNsaved…

We will essentially be LYING TO THEM which will assist  them to remain in darkness and the cycle of sin and lies!!

BUT—if we have the COURAGE to stand firm and speak TRUTH about God and HIS gospel, WITH LOVE….and live lives in which our behavior will back up what WE SAY…

the result could be that an unsaved soul could be saved from Hell–and a saved soul can be restored in LOVE!!❤️

Please do not overlook that there is a literal destination of Hell spoken of in the book of Revelation. If we truly love others, we don’t want them to end up there! (Rev 21:8)

We should be MORE CONCERNED ABOUT helping people escape HELL THAN WHETHER or not they will still LIKE US or SLANDER US if we tell them something they don’t want to hear.

This is where the Christian walk gets HARD.

But remember–as believers, who belong to God, we are accountable for every word we say…or on this instance DON’T say!! (Rom 14:12)

So what do you do when someone begins to tell you all about how their sinful choices are ok because they already got saved…and that they believe in the grace of JESUS and that they are going to be saved no matter what they do or how they live?

It all boils down to this….


If a person is truly SAVES and in relationship with Jesus–if they truly Love God and His WORD– (Titus 3:4-7, Eph 2:4-7) the WORD teaches us that they would no longer DESIRE SIN and they will OBEY GOD.

Notice I wrote the word DESIRE.

We are ALL sinners and all fall short of the glory of God! No one is ever going to be able to live perfectly on this side of Heaven!

But what we are talking about here is the ROOT–DESIRE. The HEART.

If you truly in. Life giving relationship with Jesus Christ –you will DESIRE to please GOD!!! Sin will no longer be appealing! YOU WILL NOT DESIRE IT!

When we are saved we are sanctified, washed, cleansed and HOLY—we are justified and made righteous and become  “vessels of mercy” by the grace of our great GOD!! (Rom 9:23)

Always remember—by their FRUITS you will know them. (Matt 7:16-20).

We live in a day where wolves show up in our churches in sheep’s clothing. We must be DISCERNING! (Matt 7:15)

We become able to “discern spirits” (1 John 4:1) as we spend time in the Word of God, renewing our minds in His truth and submitting OUR will to HIS WILL in prayer. ?

If someone claims to be a saved,  and then tells you, “I want to do what I WANT TO DO” or, I NEED TO BE IN CONTROL OF MY OWN  LIFE” watch out! Be discerning!

To love God is to worship God and to bow low to His WILL with a servant heart, ready to make whatever sacrifices are necessary for HIS KINGDOM PURPOSES.  (1 Thess 2)

So–the next time a “believer” claims to be saved–look at their life and their words, their actions and their hearts. What are they choosing? Who are they listening to? What do they REALLY BELIEVE? What do they SAY.

Listen very carefully!! Do they bow low in submission to Jesus or do they have a rebellious spirit they just can’t seem to get under control? Do they follow Jesus or do they live a hypocritical life steeped in  IDOLATRY OF SELF? (Rom 1:22-25)

There is a difference between judgment and Godly discernment.

We live in a fallen world and we will sin.
The good news is there is grace, forgiveness, and love for us all.?

If someone claims to be a follower of Christ but walks in SIN then we must speak truth to that person in love and gently restore them back to righteousness. (Gal 6:1). If we confess our sins we are HEALED! (1 John 1:9)

If someone is unsaved, we must witness to them is the love and grace of JESUS that has the power to SET THEM FREE!! (Gal 5:1, Isaiah 61)

We must witness of God’s love, grace and forgiveness and be ourselves hearers of the Word, which means we MUST OBEY GOD and NOT MAN! (Acts 5:29)

Grace and Peace,

Ashley Gronholm


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